Finding ME in my Strengths



Bio: My name is Coral McLaughlin, I am a student at Drury University. I love to be involved in activities at my school. I am a member of Think Green, Drury's Anime club, ONE, and a few other groups. My strengths: Input, Communication, Empathy, Intellection, Belief. Input: inquisitive, collective of information and or objects Communication: talkative, writer, like to explain/describe, good public speaker Empathy: understanding, in tune to emotions around you, perspective Intellection: like to think, introspective Belief: strong morals, values and links to family/friends One of these strengths I found the strongest is Empathy. I am a very emphatic person. I consider myself an expert in giving advice, even if I haven't experienced the event myself I can relate and give accurate advice based on my instincts and personal feelings. "What would I do" is always something I ask myself. As corny as it sounds, I always listen to my heart and my gut, and hope my brain follows.

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